“After struggling with infertility for many years, I am thankful I found Sharon. With her guidance and weekly treatments, I was able to conceive naturally and successfully make it through the first trimester. I owe so much of my success in this journey to working with Sharon and her helping to keep me centered and calm throughout.”
Female, Danville, CA
“I reached out for help with a condition that had plagued me for multiple years and was impacting my ability to enjoy life. Sharon’s treatments were the only therapy that provided me with sustainable relief from my symptoms. Even my visit to the Mayo Clinic did not offer any effective remedy or guidance. Instead, they asked me for information on the treatment Sharon was providing that was working. I am grateful for Sharon’s help. She truly cares about her patients.”
Female, East Bay of San Francisco, CA
“Sharon helped figure out the cause of my infertility following ten years of unsuccessful doctor visits and tests. She provided encouragement and laughter along my journey. I am now pregnant with my first child. My husband and I could not be more ecstatic. I only wish I had found her sooner.”
Female, Alamo, CA
“I was having debilitating back pain and after one treatment with Sharon, it was gone. It’s been life changing. I am able to play ball with my kids now. I told all of my friends and family. I can’t believe acupuncture works and I don’t know why I never thought to try it until now.”
Male, San Ramon, CA
“My baby was breech at 38 weeks and as a last-minute effort to avoid an ECV, I was recommended to Sharon. After receiving treatment and following the steps she provided, my baby turned within five days, before my next checkup. My OBGYN was surprised eastern medicine had worked. My husband and I are thankful Sharon squeezed us in and took the time to coach us. It worked!”
Female, Pleasanton, CA
“Living with Crohn’s Disease can be challenging. Sharon has been there to provide support if I splurge and eat the wrong foods and start having symptoms or break out with a rash. Plus, after her treatments, I leave feeling less stressed following a long workday.”
Male, San Francisco, CA
“Sharon prevented me from needing to undergo a scheduled labor induction for my first child. She walked me through the process and what to expect, and provided guidance on what to do at home to help prepare my body, including detailed instructions on how my husband could help. Within a few days I went into labor naturally and was able to avoid the medical induction. We have a healthy baby boy. Thank you Sharon.”
Female, Danville, CA
“After witnessing a violent crime, I began suffering from PTSD. Doctors wanted to prescribe psychiatric drugs which I did not want, so I sought Sharon’s help. With acupuncture and herbs, I was able to eliminate the PTSD symptoms and sleep soundly at night.”
Female, San Francisco, CA
“During the third trimester of my pregnancy, I was having unbearable shoulder pain and could not sleep. Sharon helped resolve the pain within a few appointments and I started sleeping the best I had in months. The acupuncture also helped prepare my body for labor and my baby girl was delivered naturally. I highly recommend Sharon to anyone who is considering acupuncture during pregnancy.”
Female, Danville, CA
“I am a Type II Diabetic and decided I wanted off of the large dose of Metformin my doctor had me on for years. I saw Sharon and was able to taper down my prescription medicine with her help and coordination with my physician. My husband also told me he noticed I was less irritable and seemed happier since starting acupuncture and herbs. That’s a bonus.”
Female, San Francisco, CA
“I originally visited Sharon for my chronic knee pain. With weekly treatments, the pain significantly decreased, so much so, I was actually surprised it worked. My mood also improved significantly, and I felt ready to tackle new challenges.”
Female, San Francisco, CA
“I drive a lot for work and my back pain became unbearable. I saw Sharon weekly for acupuncture and eventually, my pain decreased to the point where I only need a touch up on occasion. She also provides practical recommendations that I had not considered before.”
Male, San Francisco, CA